The school canteen is run by the school parents and citizens' association (P&C). The canteen is staffed by voluntary parents and therefore requires the active assistance of many parents to keep it operational. Parents are most welcome to assist in the canteen.
Download Caringbah Public School's current Canteen Menu for more information.
The canteen is currently open three days a week (Wednesday to Friday) for lunch orders and over the counter purchases at recess and lunchtime. The canteen is also open on Monday & Tuesday for over the counter purchases only. Profit made from the canteen goes to the P&C which provides financial support to the school.
Menus are issued in the newsletter at the beginning of each season. The canteen is closed on the first and last day of each term for stock-take and cleaning.
Our school canteen operates each Wednesday to Friday for counter service and lunch.
We have partnered with Flexischools, to make school lunches even easier.